What Are The Legal Requirements For Independent Contractors?

People like doctors, dentists, and lawyers who run their own businesses are often independent contractors. But, whether you are one depends on each situation. A key rule is this: if the person paying you can only say what they want done, not how to do it, you’re probably an independent contractor. If your work can be fully controlled by someone else, even if you have some freedom, you might not be an independent contractor.

If you’re treated like an employee but called an independent contractor, the evidence is if the employer has the power to control how the job is done. This means they might not pay self-employment taxes for you, but you’ll still pay other taxes like social security and Medicare.

Key Takeaways

  • The IRS uses the “right of control” test to determine if a worker is an independent contractor or an employee.
  • Factors that show you are an independent contractor include working with multiple clients, not receiving detailed instructions, and using written agreements.
  • Proper classification is critical to avoid legal and financial consequences of misclassifying workers.
  • Independent contractors are responsible for their own taxes, benefits, and compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
  • The actual working relationship is more important than the contractual terms in determining independent contractor status.

Defining Independent Contractor Status

The worker’s independent contractor status is key for legal and tax rules. Both the worker and the hiring company have obligations. The IRS uses the “right of control” test to see if a person is an employee or independent contractor.

Common Law Control Test

According to the common law control test, a worker is an employee if the company can tell them how to work. This includes what the work looks like and the specific details about how, when, and where. If the company only controls the end result, the worker is an independent contractor.

Behavioral and Financial Control Factors

Several factors show that someone is an independent contractor. These include working with more than one client, not getting detailed directions from the hiring company, paying for one’s own business expenses, and setting one’s own work hours. Other signs include marketing services publicly, having the right business permits, and working off-site from the hiring company. Additionally, not getting employee benefits and paying your own taxes can point to this status.

Importance of Written Agreements

Using a written independent contractor agreement can help clarify an individual’s work status. Such agreements should clearly outline work details, how the person will be paid, who owns the work, and any confidentiality or non-compete rules. But, how much control the hiring company actually has over the work is more important than just what the contract says.

Independent Contractor vs. Employee Classification

independent contractor

Understanding the difference between independent contractors and employees is crucial for workers and businesses. If your work agrees with that of an employee, your company should label you as such. This means you’ll get benefits like health care but can’t deduct work costs like gas. Plus, you won’t have to do what contractors do to comply.

Alternatively, if you prefer being an independent contractor, following certain rules will support your stance. It can be tough, though, for “gig workers” who use apps such as Uber or Upwork. These apps often label you as a contractor, raising questions about correctness.

Consequences of Misclassification

Misclassifying workers has large effects for companies. They might have to pay back taxes, benefits, and fines if the court decides their contractors were really employees. On the flip side, those wrongly marked as independent contractors might lose out on key employee rights and benefits.

Risks of Misclassifying Employees

Businesses that mistake their workers’ label face serious risks. This could mean:

  • Owing payroll taxes, like Social Security, and Medicare
  • Having to offer benefits, such as health care and retirement plans
  • Facing lawsuits from workers who argue they were treated unfairly
  • Dealing with fines and unpaid taxes with the government

It’s key to correctly classify employees and independent contractors. Doing this right helps prevent big legal and financial hits.

The ABC Test for Independent Contractors

ABC test for independent contractors

In 2018, the California Supreme Court introduced the ABC test. It came from the case Dynamex Operations West, Inc. v. Superior Court. This test says if a , they are seen as an employee. They are not an independent contractor unless the hiring company meets these three conditions:

  1. (A) The has freedom from the hiring company’s direction in their work. This is true both in the work agreement and in reality;
  2. (B) The does work that’s not usually done by the hiring company;
  3. (C) The has their own independent business or trade, similar to the work they do for the hiring company.

If the hiring company can’t prove all three criteria are met, the are seen as employees. This makes it tough for businesses to treat their workers as contractors rather than employees. So, this test is a challenge for companies.

Registering as an Independent Contractor

Being an independent business, setting up legally is key. You need to pick and register a business name for your work. If your chosen name isn’t your legal name, you have to register it. This way, clients can easily find you. Plus, it gives some legal protection if problems come up.

Choosing and Registering a Business Name

Choose a name that stands out and stays in people’s minds. The name should show what your independent contractor services are about. After picking a name, register it with your state and local governments. This makes sure no one else is using the name. It protects your branding.

Obtaining Licenses and Permits

Remember, besides getting a business name, you might need other licenses. This is especially true for certain jobs like auto mechanics, barbers, and real estate agents. Make sure you have all the permits you need. It shows you’re serious about what you do. And it keeps you legally recognized as an independent worker.

Tax Obligations for Independent Contractors

independent contractor agreement

Independent contractors have tax duties different from those of regular employees. While employees see taxes come out of their pay, contractors must handle this themselves. They pay taxes directly to the federal tax authorities.

Paying Estimated Taxes

Independent contractors must pay their own taxes in four parts throughout the year if they’ll owe over $1,000. These are called “estimated taxes.” This approach helps prevent a big tax payment at year’s end.

Self-Employment Tax

Contractors must also pay a self-employment tax that includes their Social Security and Medicare share. The tax rates are currently at 15.3% of their net income.

Deductible Business Expenses

One perk of being a contractor is the many business costs you can deduct, including vehicle expenses, office supplies, and even part of home costs if you work from home. These deductions can significantly lower the taxes you owe.

Knowing and managing your tax responsibilities under federal and state laws is key for contractors. Keeping good records and paying estimated taxes on time can prevent fines and interest from the tax law authorities.

Independent Contractor Agreements

tax deduction

It’s crucial to have a written independent contractor agreement. This agreement defines the relationship between the contractor and the hiring company. It sets out clear terms. These terms show that the contractor works independently. They are not controlled like an employee would be.

Key Provisions in a Contract

The agreement should clearly cover important areas. This includes scope of work, payment terms, ownership of work product, confidentiality, non-compete clauses, and termination provisions. It must state that the contractor handles their own taxes and expenses. Plus, the hiring company doesn’t control the methods or details of the work.

Limitations and Restrictions

The details in the agreement are essential. But, they aren’t the only things that matter. What really counts is the actual working relationship and who has control. It’s these facts that decide if someone is seen as an employee or not. The agreement must reflect the true working situation. It can’t just rely on wording to prove the contractor’s status.

Employee Benefits and Independent Contractors

If you work as an independent contractor, you won’t get the same benefits as regular employees. You won’t receive health insurance, retirement plans, or paid time off. You also won’t have workers’ compensation coverage.

The company you work with won’t pay their part of Social Security and Medicare taxes for you. This is because independent contractors are not considered employees. You are on your own to get benefits and insurance. Plus, you won’t be eligible for unemployment insurance or other workers’ protections.

Benefit Employees Independent Contractors
Health Insurance Provided by employer Responsibility of individual
Retirement Plans Employer-sponsored plans Individual plans
Paid Time Off Vacation, sick leave, holidays No paid time off
Workers’ Compensation Covered by employer Responsibility of individual
Unemployment Insurance Eligible Not eligible
Payroll Taxes Employer pays both employee and employer share Independent contractor pays self-employment tax

“Independent contractors are responsible for obtaining their own benefits and insurance, unlike traditional employees whose benefits are provided by the hiring entity.”

Independent Contractor Compliance

Independent contractors have to follow many laws at the federal, state, and local levels. They must keep detailed records of their income, expenses, and other business activities for tax needs. Also, contractors have to get any necessary business licenses or permits. They have to follow rules on independent contractor relationships, like worker tests.

Record-Keeping Requirements

It’s vital for independent contractors to keep good records to show they’re independent and to meet tax rules. They should carefully track and document their income, expenses, and business actions. If they don’t, heavy fines and taxes could hit the companies that hire them if they’re wrongly labeled as independent contractors.

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State and Local Laws

Besides federal rules, independent contractors need to follow state and local laws for their work. These might involve specific worker tests, like California’s ABC test, and getting necessary licenses and permits. Not paying attention to state and local laws can lead to legal problems and money issues for everyone involved.

Compliance Requirement Description
Record-Keeping Maintain thorough records of income, expenses, and other business activities for tax purposes
Licensing and Permits Obtain any required business licenses or permits at the federal, state, and local levels
Worker Classification Tests Comply with state and local laws governing the independent contractor versus employee relationship, such as the ABC test
Penalties and Consequences Failing to properly classify workers or meet compliance requirements can result in significant penalties and back taxes owed by the hiring entity


Determining if someone is an independent contractor or an employee is key. It helps in avoiding legal and financial issues. The IRS “right of control” test and some states’ stricter ABC test help to decide.

Independent contractors should prove their status. They can do this by starting a business, getting the right licenses, and using written agreements.

But, the way people work is more important than what’s written on paper. Mistakes in how workers are classified can cause trouble. This includes owing taxes, missing benefits, and facing other penalties.

To keep things right, everyone needs to know the rules. This includes those hiring and the workers. Knowing the legal side for independent contractors is a must.

Keeping the worker’s status clear is a big deal for both businesses and solo workers. It helps avoid problems. And, it lets independent contractors do well in their work.


Q: What is the difference between an independent contractor and an employee?

A: The main difference lies in how they are treated for tax purposes and the level of control an employer has over their work. Independent contractors are self-employed individuals who provide services to a company without being considered employees.

Q: How can I determine whether to classify a worker as an independent contractor or an employee?

A: The classification depends on factors such as the level of control the employer has over the worker, the type of work they perform, and how they are compensated. It is important to correctly classify workers to comply with labor laws.

Q: What are the legal requirements for becoming an independent contractor?

A: To become an independent contractor, you typically need to negotiate a contract with a company outlining the terms of your services, obtain any necessary licenses or permits, and manage your own tax obligations.

Q: What are the federal laws that govern the classification of employees and independent contractors?

A: The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and the Internal Revenue Code provide guidelines on how to determine whether a worker should be classified as an employee or an independent contractor. Misclassifying workers can lead to legal repercussions.

Q: How do I pay an independent contractor?

A: Independent contractors are typically paid based on a negotiated contract that outlines the payment terms, such as a flat fee or hourly rate. Payments are made without deductions for taxes, as the contractor is responsible for paying their own income taxes.

Q: What are the implications of misclassifying a worker as an independent contractor?

A: Misclassifying a worker can lead to penalties for violating labor laws, as well as potential legal action from the misclassified worker. It is crucial to correctly classify workers to avoid these consequences.

Q: Can a worker be both an employee and an independent contractor at the same time?

A: In some cases, a worker may provide services to a company both as an employee and an independent contractor for different tasks. However, it is important to ensure that the worker is correctly classified for each type of work they perform.

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